Monday 12 August 2019

Momo chutney

About my recipes:-

I make and try to share simple recipes with basic ingredients which everyone must be having at their homes.

Note:- (*) mark after ingredients means it can be skipped but if added will obviously be good.
Momo is tibetan food item which is a very famous indian street food and indians like it in different forms(will write about in my next blog). But momo's taste comes from its sizzling spicey chutney which is simple to make and tantalizing to taste. lets see how to make it.

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"Momo's red chutney"


1. Tomato - 2 medium sized
2. Dry red chillies - 5-6
3. Garlic - 4-5 cloves
4. Onion - 1 medium sized
5. Refined oil - 1.5 tablespoon


6. Salt - as per taste or 3/4 tablespoon
7. Black pepper powder- 1 teaspoon
8. Sugar - 1/2 teaspoon 
9. vinegar or lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon


  1. Boil some water and add red chillies and tomatos (after slicing into two parts)to it. Boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Now drain all the water and peel off tomatoes.
  3. Put them in a mixer grinder and make a smooth paste.
  4. Take a pan and refined oil to it. Now add finely chopped garlic and onions to it.
  5. Add the tomato and chilli paste to it.
  6. Cook it on medium flame.
  7. Add salt, black pepper powder, sugar and vinegar/lemon juice to it.
  8. After 3-4 minutes turn off gas and ,
  9. Your red hot spicey momo's chutney is ready . Serve them with momos.



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